Kategoria: Nauki humanistyczne / Filologie obce / Filologia angielska

Oscar Wilde Between Aestheticism and Anticipation of Modernizm

Rok wydania:1999 Nr wydania:1 Liczba stron:156 ISBN:83-231-1135-9

EN: Between Idyllic Unawareness of the Self and the Rite of the Initiation: Poems, Tales, and Stories *'The Picture of Dorian Gray' - Its Aesthetic Principles Versus the Split of Consciousness Theme *The Concept of Solipsistic Self-Fulfilment in Symbolic Drama *Society Comedies and "The Importance of Being Earnest': From a Counterpoint of Wit and Sentiment to the Victory oft he Absurd *From Ideological and Literary Synthesis to the Attempt to Recreate Oneself Oscar Wilde's Critical Essays and 'De Profundis'

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