Kategoria: Nauki humanistyczne / Filologie obce / Filologia germańska

Wissenschaft und wirtschaft. Wechselbeziehungen und gesellschaftliche Funktion

Rok wydania:1999 Liczba stron:254 ISBN:83-231-1066-2

The book contains contributions to the international symposion of Humboldt-Fellows Association "Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum" held at time Technical University Gdańsk in June 1998. It opens with official speeches followed by many lectures and panel discussions in German, English and Polish on the main topic given by leading scientists from Poland, Germany, Australia, Croatia, Hungary, France, Lituania, Luxemburg and Switzerland. After papers addressing general problems of the role of Poland and Germany in new Europe and the contribution of science and education to international cooperation, the authors present papers dealing with stience, global economy, ecology, polish transformation and economy, among them a paper about s.c. "polnische Wirtschaft" from the point of view of historical semantic and historical stereotypes research. Six panel discussions to the main topic and especially to the dependences between different sciences and economy completed the book.

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