gleboznawca i geograf, adiunkt w Katedrze Gleboznawstwa i Kształtowania Krajobrazu WNOZi UMK. Zajmuje się tematyką związaną z genezą, systematyką i geografią gleb, a także geochemią krajobrazu. Specjalizuje się w badaniach gleb zasolonych i zasiarczonych w Polsce. Jest autorem i współautorem kilkudziesięciu prac naukowych, opublikowanych zarówno w czasopismach krajowych, jak i zagranicznych. Rezultaty swoich badań prezentował na forum międzynarodowym, na konferencjach we Francji, Holandii, Niemczech, Włoszech i na Węgrzech. Od 2010 roku bierze udział w projekcie COST Action FA0901 „Halophytes-from genes to ecosystems” jako przedstawiciel Polski. Pełni funkcję wiceprezesa Bydgosko-Toruńskiego Oddziału Polskiego Towarzystwa Gleboznawczego (od 2011 roku).
Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 14/2011: Ecology of Halophytes and Saline Habitats
Issue Editors: Piotr Hulisz, Agnieszka Piernik, Andrzej Nienartowicz
COST Action FA0901 "Putting Halophytes to Work - From Genes to Ecosystems" aims at assembling an interdisciplinary group of plant, soil, ecological, horticultural and agricultural scientists who collate existing knowledge on halophytes, from proteomics to ecosystems, in order to inform future directions of research that will impact on conservation of coastal environments, restoration of degraded lands and agricultural and horticultural products of nutritional, pharmaceutical or industrial interest. This issue of Ecological Question provides a unique forum to present and discuss recent work and generate a new understanding of the ecosystems in which halophytes grow and flourish, and to achieve the objectives and goals proposed for the Working Group 1 (WG1): "Ecology, ecosystem analysis, rhizosphere dynamics and plant responses to pedo-climatic conditions".
Through the interdisciplinary communication between scientists, we expect to evaluate available data on the responses of crop plants and halophytes to salinity, flooding and other environmental variables, compare and evaluate current methods for estimating plant production and turnover under saline conditions, evaluate the use of halophytes in protecting coastal zones and in restoring degraded land, and identify new research areas that should produce added benefits to countries associated with COST and the world at large.
Piotr Hulisz
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- Geneza, właściwości i pozycja systematyczna marszy brakicznych w strefie oddziaływań wód Bałtyku
Agnieszka Piernik
Ms. Agnieszka Piernik is a graduate of biology at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. She completed her Master's thesis under the supervision of Professor (Mr.) Zbigniew Prusinkiewicz at the Department of Soil Science. After graduation, she was employed at the NCU Department of Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation with Professor (Ms.) Jadwiga Wilkoń-Michalska as the Head of the Department. Under the supervision of Professor Jadwiga Wilkoń-Michalska she began her researches on ecology of halophytic vegetation and wrote a PhD thesis on halophytes as indicators of soil salinity in the region of Kujawy. She was awarded the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences in 2000 at the NCU Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences. She gained and extended her knowledge of salt marsh ecosystems not only under the supervision of Professor Jadwiga Wilkoń-Michalska, but also during foreign internships in the Netherlands, in Germany and in Spain.
At present she is employed in the Laboratory of Ecological Modelling at NCU. Her scientific interests include ecology of halophytic vegetation, and in particular the relationships between the distribution of vegetation and environmental conditions, species tolerance to salinity, as well as monitoring and protection of saline habitats, and application of statistical methods in ecological analysis.
- Metody numeryczne w ekologii na przykładzie zastosowań pakietu MVSP do analizy roślinności
- Ecological Pattern of Inland Salt Marsh Vegetation in Central Europe
Andrzej Nienartowicz
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 16/2012
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 18/2013
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 17/2013: Remote sensing and geographical information system for environmental studies
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 13/2010
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 12/2010: Treats, management, conservation and structural changes of heathlands in Toruń Basin and other sites of Europe
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 14/2011: Ecology of Halophytes and Saline Habitats
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 19/2014
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 20/2014
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 21/2015
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 22/2015
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 23/2016
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 24/2016
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 25/2017
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 26/2017
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 27/2017
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 28/2018
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 29 (1/2018)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 29 (2/2018)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 29 (3/2018)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 29 (4/2018)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 30 (1/2019)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 30 (2/2019)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 30 (3/2019)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 30 (4/2019)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 31 (1/2020)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 31 (2/2020)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 31 (3/2020)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 31 (4/2020)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 32 (1/2021)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 32 (2/2021)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 32 (3/2021)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 32 (4/2021)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 33 (1/2022)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 33 (2/2022)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 33 (3/2022)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 33 (4/2022)
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 34 (1/2023)