Botanik i ekolog, wytrawny badacz i znawca flory oraz zbiorowisk roślinnych, szczególnie Pomorza i Kujaw. Na trwałe zapisał się w historii hydrobiologii jako twórca metody badań synantropizacji ekosystemów jeziornych. Autor licznych artykułów naukowych i znaczących publikacji książkowych z zakresu fitosocjologii lasów, ekologii, a zwłaszcza produkcji pierwotnej jezior, nazewnictwa botanicznego oraz dziejów i znaczenia roślin użytkowych.
Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 5/2004
From The preview of Ecological Questions journal
The fundamental task set by the editors of the journal is to bring together and present a diversity of research connected with ecology. Apart from the traditional ecological research areas, the scope of the journal will embrace more peripheral ecological issues connected with other disciplines of biology. Recognising the increasing importance of the humanities in ecological research, the editors will strive to give such issues due representation in the journal. We hope to encourage the researchers contributing to the journal to adopt an unconventional approach to solving ecological problems, to go beyond classical, well-established conceptions and to include methodological, and anthropological issues. Such an approach is validated by the intensive development of the sciences bordering on both biology and the humanities that has been observed over recent years.
As suggested by the title of the journal - Ecological Questions - we would like it to become a forum for an interdisciplinary debate which would raise difficult and controversial questions. As modern ecology abounds in such thorny issues, we offer publication opportunities to those who feel ready to respond to such challenges.
Ryszkowski L., Kędziora A.: Energetics of ecosystem andlandscape changes;
Ulanowicz R. E.: Some steps toward a central theoryof ecosystem dynamics;
Puszkar L.: Processes of vegetation adaptationin ecosystems affected by high industrial pressure;
Puszkar T.: Changesin the selected zoocoenoses in conditions of degradation andrecultivation of ecosystems subject to intensive industrial pressure;
Dyguś H. K.: Matter allocation in forest ecosystem plants in relationto site fertility;
Ejankowski W.: The influence of the ground waterlevel on the demography and population structure of dwarf birch Betulanana L;
Fedorowicz M., Ceynowa-Giełdon M.: Variability of glycophytepopulations exposed to salinity;
Ciecierska H.: Dynamics of vegetationchanges at particular stages of lake succession;
Ceynowa-Giełdon M.:The alga-fungus community in the Epigloea genus at the evolution stageof lichens;
Jankowska-Błaszczuk M.: Evolutionary aspect of soil seedbanks of northern temperature deciduous forest;
Ulrich W.: Neutralmacroecology - ecology without biology? A review of the neutral modelapproach; Ulrich W.: Fitting stochastic models of relative abundancedistribution to species abundance data. Short research contributions:
Rutkowski P., Maciejewska-Rutkowska I.: Regeneration of the forestecosystem in the approx. 170 years old pine stand in the formerlyarable area;
Węgrzyn E., Jost E.: Remarks on the effect of broodparasitism of the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus on the breeding seasonof the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus;
Jost E., Węgrzyn E.: Observations of brood parasitism of the common cuckoo Cuculuscanorus in nests of the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus - vocal behaviour and interactions of the host and the parasite
Marian Rejewski
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 9/2008
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 10/2008
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 7/2006
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 2/2002
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 11/2009
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 1/2002
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 3/2003
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 5/2004
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 6/2005
- Ecological Questions. An International Journal on Controversial Problems of Ecology. 4/2004
- Nazwy roślin