Kategoria: Nauki społeczne / Socjologia

Epistemological Dimensions of Robert Merton's Sociology. And the Debate in the Philosophy of Science of the Twentieth Century

autorzy: Ricardo Campa
Rok wydania:2001 Nr wydania:1 Liczba stron:308 ISBN:83-231-1309-2


Introduction: Back to Robert Merton
Merton and the Debate: A Strategic Position
Continuities and Change
A Triadic Heuristic Model
On Merton and Universalism

The Epistemological Tridimensionality of Sociology
Why Epistemologists Should Care about Sociology?
The First Dimension: Epistemology of Sociology
The Second Dimension: Sociological Epistemology
The Third Dimension: Sociology of Epistemology
Robert Merton: Pioneer
Heritage: The Influence of Parsons, Znaniecki, and Sorokin
Note on Ziolkowski's Epistemological Minimum

Robert Merton and the 'Epistemology of Sociology'
Three Problems of the History of Sociology
Proposals for a Change of Perspective
Thematic Analysis of Two Great Sociological Traditions
Merton's "Mode of Analysis"
The Concept-Formation Strategy
Middle-Range Theories and Disciplined Eclecticism
From Holistic Functionalism to Structural Analysis
Historical Note: On Merton and Structuralism

Robert Merton and 'Sociological Epistemology'
The "Copernican Revolution" in the Theory of Knowledge
Merton' s Programmatic Contributions
Merton's Substantive Contributions
Merton's Criterion of Validity: Between Irony and Logic
The Second Radical Change: Regress and Inconsistency
Conclusive Note: The Role of Feelings

Robert Merton and the 'Sociology of Epistemology'
A "Paradigm" for the Sociology of Epistemology
The Puritan Spur to Science
The Normative Structure of Science
Priorities in Scientific Discovery
A Central Theme of Merton's Work:: Ambivalence
The Social Origin of American and European Methodology
The Social Origin of Methodological Conflicts in Sociology
The Social Origin of the Insider-Outsider Epistemology
Historical Note (a Political Metaphor)

Conclusion: Going beyond Robert Merton
Philosophy of Science
Science of Science
Technology of Science

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