Kategoria: Nauki humanistyczne / Filologie obce / Filologia angielska

Hauntology and Intertextuality in Contemporary British Drama by Women Playwrights

Rok wydania:2013 Nr wydania:pierwsze Liczba stron:338 ISBN:978-83-231-3146-5
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Hauntology and Intertextuality in Contemporary British Drama by Women Playwrights is dedicated to the study of intertextual aspects of contemporary British drama authored by women, the aspects defined by the cultural significance attached to the figure of the ghost. The main level on which the spectral figure is investigated is its deconstructive potential for rupture and openness, offering the space in which conceptual and textual Others can emerge. The ghost comes to signify the processes of being haunted by the past, by other texts, and by those who have been marginalised or silenced. The spectral figure operates as a site of intertextual transposition and transference of memory, trauma, melancholia or loss, binding contemporary drama by women to another time and other texts, breaching its self-sufficiency and destabilising the notions of independent and coherent selves. From the perspective of hauntology, these intertextual processes are perceived as complex and disturbing, provoking a crisis in representation, temporality, or composition. The spectre functions as a figure of this crisis. 

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