Kategoria: Nauki humanistyczne / Filologie obce / Filologia angielska

Packing and Unpacking Culture: changing models of British Studies

autorzy: Geoff Ridden, Tomasz Kowalewski, David Jarret redaktorzy: David Jarret
Rok wydania:2001 Nr wydania:1 Liczba stron:272 ISBN:83-231-1267-3

From the introduction

This volume of essays derives from a series of academic initiatives through the 1980s and 1990s, involving co-operation between British and Polish universities and the British Council in Warsaw. It is predicated upon an acceptance that the continued development of Cultural Studies, variously defined and practised, offers progressive opportunities for educational enlargement which are just as necessary for traditionally-instituted disciplines as for more recent multi-, inter- or anti-disciplinary approaches. It is also grounded upon a rejection of the simplistic military metaphor which draws an implacable battle-line between an Arnoldian sense of value and whatever it is that the imagined opposition is seen to take as its concern. These emphases have been articulated by some of the contributors to this volume in one of the earlier initiatives upon which we have been building(...)


Keynote Speakers:
Andrew Blake - Playing Past the Body: on the nature of performance in the information age
Tadeusz Sławek - Unpacking the Stranger: what Cultural Studies are all about?
David Jarrett - "Those that Build them Again Are Gay": gendered identities and revolutions in the head

Geoff Ridden - "Carry this Island Home in his Pocket": buying and selling Shakespeare

Tadeusz Rachwał - Britannia Rules the Waves: on labour, dry biscuits, pumpkins and the sea
Tim Youngs - Where Has All the Baggage Gone?: relabelling the nomad in contemporary travel writing and criticism
Francis Curtis - British Maritime Discourses 1770- 1815: an evaluation of their cultural status in today's age of electronic navigation

Mary Condé - Unpacked and Here to Stay: contemporary Indian women writers in Britain
Neił McCaw - Articulating Irishness in British Cultural Studies
Krzysztof Knauer - Wicked Games: identity, friendship, Cultural Studies and multicultural imagination
Tim Prentki - Poles: a part in the global village
Marta Wiszniowska - ...And Never the Twain Shall Meet: literature, cultural exchange and Europe at the tum of the century

Małgorzata Glasenapp - She, He and Society: social roles and division of power in school stories for girls and boys
Jopi Nyman - Remapping European Space: the case of Joseph Conrad
Aneta Wojtasik - Literature and Oppression: the case of children's fiction

Popular Culture:
Michael D. Jardine - "It's a Brazilian Asking for an Englishman's Shirt": masculinity, national identity and the 1998 World Cup
Agnieszka Książek - Images of Women in Relation to Mass Culture and Affluence in British "New Wave" Films: A Kind of Loving, Billy Liar and The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
Adam Locks - Arcadia Behind the Glass: The Avengers and English ethnicity

Afterword (the Practice):
John Simons - "Very Interesting, But Not British Studies": a brief field guide for consultants

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