Paedagogia Christiana 2(44)/2019: Religious Education and the Development of Subjectivity
Rok wydania:2019
Format:158 x 228 mm
- Jarosław Horowski, Wojciech Sadłoń - Od redakcji
Religious Education and the Development of Subjectivity
- Zbigniew Marek, Anna Walulik - Subjectivity in (of) Education. The Perspective of Gospel
- Renata Jasnos - Subjective Biblical Discourse as the Basis of Education for Relationships. Discursive Interpretation Supplementing the Theological Synthesis
- Janusz Mariański - The Religious Condition of Poland’s High School Youth in the Years 1988-2017
- Katarzyna Wrońska - Erasmus of Rotterdam as a Teacher of Christian Humanism
- Stanisław Chrobak - Growing Person – the Anthropological Basis for the Educational Thought of John Bosco
- José Luis Rodríguez-Sáez, Araceli del Pozo Armentia, Alfonso Salgado Ruiz - The Preventive Pedagogy of Saint Ludovico Pavoni
- Julita Orzelska - Subjectivity in Caring for the Human Condition. Existential Ideas of Paul Tillich as an Inspiration for Pedagogy
- Wojciech Sadłoń - Static and Dynamic Approach to Religiosity in the Perspective of Socialisation
- Jan Rutkowski - Moral Education in the Perspective of Liberal Education, Natural Law and the Modern Doctrine of Social Contract
- Leszek Waga - Subjectivity Squared. On the Similarity between the Methodological Postulates of Alfred Schütz and Florian Znaniecki regarding Christian Pedagogy
- Dominika Budzanowska-Weglenda, Marcin Jewdokimow - Modern Ascetic Practices – Theory and Practice from the Perspective of Catholic Context
- Lidia Marszałek - Religious Education of a Child in a Family as Building up Basic Hope
- Wychowanie moralne według pedagogiki neotomistycznej
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- Paedagogia Christiana 2(36)/2015
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- Paedagogia Christiana 2(44)/2019: Religious Education and the Development of Subjectivity
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- Paedagogia Christiana 1(47)/2021: Pedagogical Personalism and God
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- Paedagogia Christiana 1(49)/2022: Personalizm pedagogiczny a prawda
- Paedagogia Christiana 2(50)/2022
Wojciech Sadłoń
Książki autora:
- Paedagogia Christiana 2(44)/2019: Religious Education and the Development of SubjectivityJarosław Horowski
Książki autora:
- Edukacyjny potencjał religii- Wychowanie moralne według pedagogiki neotomistycznej
- Paedagogia Christiana 1(35)/2015
- Paedagogia Christiana 2(36)/2015
- Paedagogia Christiana 1(37)/2016: Wychowanie do przebaczenia I
- Paedagogia Christiana 2(38)/2016: Wychowanie do przebaczenia II
- Paedagogia Christiana 1(39)/2017
- Paedagogia Christiana 2(40)/2017
- Paedagogia Christiana 1(41)/2018: Józef Tischner jako filozof wychowania
- Paedagogia Christiana 2(42)/2018: Integral education
- Paedagogia Christiana 1(43)/2019: Pedagogy of Chiara Lubich
- Paedagogia Christiana 2(44)/2019: Religious Education and the Development of Subjectivity
- Paedagogia Christiana 1(45)/2020: Being Alone Together in Education
- Paedagogia Christiana 2(46)/2020: Being Alone Together in Education
- Paedagogia Christiana 1(47)/2021: Pedagogical Personalism and God
- Paedagogia Christiana 2(48)/2021
- Paedagogia Christiana 1(49)/2022: Personalizm pedagogiczny a prawda
- Paedagogia Christiana 2(50)/2022