Dr Sławomir Wacewicz jest adiunktem w Katedrze Filologii Angielskiej UMK w Toruniu. Od wielu lat publikuje artykuły dotyczące ewolucji języka. Jest też autorem monografii Concepts as Correlates of Lexical Labels (2015).
Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XII (2015): Insights and Outlooks: Cognitive Approaches to Culture, History, Psychology, and Language Teaching
Tomasz Komendziński,
Sławomir Wacewicz,
Przemysław Żywiczyński
Przemysław Żywiczyński
Rok wydania:2015
Format:158 x 228 mm
Issue editors: Tomasz Komendziński, Sławomir Wacewicz, Przemysław Żywiczyński
Guest editors: Mirosława Buchholtz, Marta Sibierska
- Marta Maj, Małgorzata Kossowska - Prejudice toward outgroups as a Strategy to Deal with Mortality Threat: Simple Reaction with a Complex Foundation
- Marta Sibierska - Play Frames in Narratives: Some Implications of Considering Storytelling Practices as Anchored in Play-Pretend
- Mirosław Pawlak - Teaching foreign languages to adult learners: Issues, options, and opportunities
- Christopher Korten - Cognitive Narratology and its benefits for the (archival) historian
- Liliana Sikorska - Sir Isumbras meets Jack Bauer, or on the (re)reading of medieval Saracen romances
- Ioana Zirra - James Joyce’s Ironical Memory: Jungian versus Parallactic Literary (Re-)Cognition in the Cultural-Gift Novel Titled Ulysses
- Verita Sriratana - “A Most Bewildering and Whirligig State of Mind”: Alternative Utopian Space in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando
- Mirosława Buchholtz - Stopovers and Connecting Flights. A discussion of Where is American Literature? by Caroline F. Levander
- Grzegorz Koneczniak - The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Literary Studies: An exploration of arguments
- Grzegorz Koneczniak - Cognitive science in Poland: learning outcomes and literary omission
- Mirosława Buchholtz, Marta Sibierska - Studia Humanitatis: Promises and Challenges
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XIII (2016): The origins and development of language: a historical perspective
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. VIII (2/2008): Consciousness, Emotion, and Self-organisation
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. VIII (1/2008): Concepts, categories, and analogy
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. VI (1/2002): Metaphor. A Multidisciplinary Approach
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XV (2018): Competence for Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XVI (2019): How did language evolve? Biological, psychological, and linguistic perspectives
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XIV (2017): Spectrality and Cognition: Haunted Cultures, Ghostly Communications
- Filozofia amerykańska dziś
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XII (2015): Insights and Outlooks: Cognitive Approaches to Culture, History, Psychology, and Language Teaching
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. VII (2/2003): Unconscious Cognition and Perception
- O myśleniu procesualnym: Charles Hartshorne i Charles Sanders Peirce t.II
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. III (1993)
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. V (1995)
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. IV (1994)
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. II (1992)
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. I (1991)
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XV (2018): Competence for Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XIV (2017): Spectrality and Cognition: Haunted Cultures, Ghostly Communications
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XII (2015): Insights and Outlooks: Cognitive Approaches to Culture, History, Psychology, and Language Teaching
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XVI (2019): How did language evolve? Biological, psychological, and linguistic perspectives
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XVII (2020)
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XI (2014): Multiple perspectives on language origins
- Ewolucja języka. W stronę hipotez gesturalnych
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, IX (2012): Ways to protolanguage Contemporary problems in the evolution of language
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XIV (2017): Spectrality and Cognition: Haunted Cultures, Ghostly Communications
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, X (2013): Synesthesia
- Ewolucja języka. W stronę hipotez gesturalnych
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XV (2018): Competence for Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XVII (2020)
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XVI (2019): How did language evolve? Biological, psychological, and linguistic perspectives
- The Axiology of Spoken Interaction. An Essay on the Organisation of Conversational Behaviour
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, IX (2012): Ways to protolanguage Contemporary problems in the evolution of language
- Buddhism and Meaning: Comparative Assessment of Buddhist Views on Cognition, Meaning, and Language
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XI (2014): Multiple perspectives on language origins
Tomasz Komendziński
Książki autora:
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, X (2013): Synesthesia- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XIII (2016): The origins and development of language: a historical perspective
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. VIII (2/2008): Consciousness, Emotion, and Self-organisation
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. VIII (1/2008): Concepts, categories, and analogy
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. VI (1/2002): Metaphor. A Multidisciplinary Approach
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XV (2018): Competence for Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XVI (2019): How did language evolve? Biological, psychological, and linguistic perspectives
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XIV (2017): Spectrality and Cognition: Haunted Cultures, Ghostly Communications
- Filozofia amerykańska dziś
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XII (2015): Insights and Outlooks: Cognitive Approaches to Culture, History, Psychology, and Language Teaching
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. VII (2/2003): Unconscious Cognition and Perception
- O myśleniu procesualnym: Charles Hartshorne i Charles Sanders Peirce t.II
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. III (1993)
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. V (1995)
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. IV (1994)
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. II (1992)
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. I (1991)
Sławomir Wacewicz
Książki autora:
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, X (2013): Synesthesia- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XV (2018): Competence for Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XIV (2017): Spectrality and Cognition: Haunted Cultures, Ghostly Communications
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XII (2015): Insights and Outlooks: Cognitive Approaches to Culture, History, Psychology, and Language Teaching
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XVI (2019): How did language evolve? Biological, psychological, and linguistic perspectives
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XVII (2020)
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XI (2014): Multiple perspectives on language origins
- Ewolucja języka. W stronę hipotez gesturalnych
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, IX (2012): Ways to protolanguage Contemporary problems in the evolution of language
Przemysław Żywiczyński
Dr hab. Przemysław Żywiczyński pracuje jako adiunkt w Katedrze Filologii Angielskiej UMK w Toruniu. Jest autorem książek – Buddhism and Meaning (2004) and The Axiology of Spoken Interaction (2010) – oraz wielu artykułów z zakresu ewolucji języka, pragmatyki językoznawczej i buddologii.
Książki autora:
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XII (2015): Insights and Outlooks: Cognitive Approaches to Culture, History, Psychology, and Language Teaching- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XIV (2017): Spectrality and Cognition: Haunted Cultures, Ghostly Communications
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, X (2013): Synesthesia
- Ewolucja języka. W stronę hipotez gesturalnych
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XV (2018): Competence for Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XVII (2020)
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XVI (2019): How did language evolve? Biological, psychological, and linguistic perspectives
- The Axiology of Spoken Interaction. An Essay on the Organisation of Conversational Behaviour
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, IX (2012): Ways to protolanguage Contemporary problems in the evolution of language
- Buddhism and Meaning: Comparative Assessment of Buddhist Views on Cognition, Meaning, and Language
- Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, XI (2014): Multiple perspectives on language origins