jest adiunktem w Katedrze Filologii Angielskiej Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Jest autorką Corporeal Itineraries: Body, Nation, Diaspora in Selected Canadian Fiction (2010) oraz In the Whirlpool of the Past: Memory, Intertextuality and History in the Fiction of Jane Urquhart (2003), a także licznych artykułów. Jej zainteresowania badawcze obejmują zagadnienia z zakresu teorii postkolonialnej, traumy i wojny w literaturze, komparatystykę, cielesność, gotycyzm. Od 2009 roku pełni funkcję kierownika Centrum Badań Kanadyjskich na UMK.
Dialogues with Traditions in Canadian Literatures Dialogues
The emergence and development of literary discourses in Canada has involved a dialectics of rupture and continuity, which is manifest in a complex dialogue of postcolonial writings with the traditions, canons and "classics" of the old colonial centres on the one hand, and of the New World on the other. The usage of the plural forms in the title of this volume ("dialogues", "traditions," "literatures") suggests a plurality of sources and social as well as cultural phenomena which contribute to the ethnic, linguistic and literary diversity of contemporary Canada. To comprehend and analyse the causes of the formation of such a rich literary landscape, the editors have invited anglophone and francophone Canadianists to consider, first of all, the polyvalence of the concept of traditions in Canada. The second common theme of the articles gathered here is an enquiry into the functioning of various canons, intertexts and master narratives in the Canadian literary discourses.
Dialogues with Traditions in Canadian Literatures is divided into four parts. The first one, entitled Transitions and Appropriations, explores the dialogic discourses responsible for the birth of a new plural culture in constant movement. Beginning with an analysis of the dialogues between the colonial space and the models of the Old World, the articles conclude interrogating the tensions between European, Canadian and American identities. The second part, Orality and Folklore, focuses on one of the factors responsible for the cultural originality of Canada, i.e. the survival of oral traditions and of folklore, the sources of which are varied and multiple. As to the authors of Dialogues in the Feminine, the third part of the book, they adopt feminine and/or feminist perspectives to interrogate issues of identity and aesthetics in novels by contemporary Canadian women writers. An intertextual polemics centred on genres, canons, sources, "classics" and ideologies provides the common denominator for the articles included in the last part of the volume, Intertextual Polemics.
Contents / Table des matières
Introduction (in English);
Introduction (en français);
Transitions and/et Appropriations:
Patrick Imbert: Corps, territoire et texte auCanadaet en Amérique Latine au XXIe et XXe siècles;
Colin Nicholson: Decline and Fall: The Fate of Gaeldom in Postcolonial Space;
Anna Jakabfi: Refuge in Human Dialogue, a Means of Striving for Survival (Beatrice Harraden's Ships that Passin the Night (1894) and Hugh MacLennan's EM>The Watch That Ends the Night (1958)). Orality and Folklore /Oralité et folklore:
Sylvie Dion:Tradition et adaptation culturelle. La migration des legendes: les exemples du diable et du loup-garou;
Renata Jarzębowska-Sadkowska: De la tradition orale créative dans le monologue quebecois contemporain a l'exemple des textes d'Yvon Deschamps, de Marc Favreau (Sol) et de Clemence Des Rochers;
Conny Steenman-Marcuse: The Texture of Fairy Talesin Elizabeth Hay's A Student of Weather. Dialogues in theFeminine/Dialogues au feminin:
Carmen C. Malvar: When History Calls,Who Picks Up the Receiver? Nicole Markotic's Yellow Pages Speaking;
Tina Mouneimne-Wojtas: Exil réel ou exil fictif. Question identitaire dans Le Bonheur a la queue glissante d'AbIa Farhoud;
EdinaSzalay: Conflicting Plots of the Gothic Romance in Ann-Marie MacDonald's Fall On Your Knees. Intertextual Polemics/Polemiques intertextuelles:
Ruta Slapkauskaite: Investigating Intertextuality in Yann Martel's Life ofPi;
Anna Branach-Kallas: The Past Revisited: Jane Urquhart's Dialogic Imagination;
Piotr Sadkowski: Ducharme "maghane"? Le representation de l'écrivain et l'intertextualité dans Ca va aller de Catherine Mavrikakis;
Notes on Contributors/Notices sur les auteurs
Piotr Sadkowski
- Litteraria Copernicana 3(27)/2018: Pierwsza wojna i (nie)pokój
- Dialogues with Traditions in Canadian Literatures Dialogues
Anna Branach-Kallas
- Conflicting discourses, competing memories: Commemorating The First World War
- Uraz przetrwania. Trauma i polemika z mitem pierwszej wojny światowej w powieści kanadyjskiej
- Litteraria Copernicana 3(27)/2018: Pierwsza wojna i (nie)pokój
- Dialogues with Traditions in Canadian Literatures Dialogues
- In the Whirlpool of the Past: Memory, Intertextuality and History in the Fiction of Jane Urquhart
- Corporeal Itineraries: Body, Nation, Diaspora in Selected Canadian Fiction
- The nation of the other: constructions of nation in contemporary cultural and literary discourses
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