jest adiunktem w Katedrze Filologii Angielskiej Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Jest autorką Corporeal Itineraries: Body, Nation, Diaspora in Selected Canadian Fiction (2010) oraz In the Whirlpool of the Past: Memory, Intertextuality and History in the Fiction of Jane Urquhart (2003), a także licznych artykułów. Jej zainteresowania badawcze obejmują zagadnienia z zakresu teorii postkolonialnej, traumy i wojny w literaturze, komparatystykę, cielesność, gotycyzm. Od 2009 roku pełni funkcję kierownika Centrum Badań Kanadyjskich na UMK.
The nation of the other: constructions of nation in contemporary cultural and literary discourses
Introduction; MAPPING THE NATION: NATIONS AND THEIR OTHERS: Maria S. Topalova: Victims versus Terrorists: the Media and the Experience of Insurgent Terrorism in Greece (1975-2000); Marek Jeziński: Excluding the Other: the Concept of the Nation in Contemporary Political Discourse in Poland; Agnieszka Pantuchowicz: Miscarriage or the Birth of a New Nation? Silesian Nationalism and Gender; Sadan Jha: The Mythic (Non)presence of the Other in the Text of Indian Nation-ness; Souad Eddouada: Gender and the Concept of the Nation within the Context of the Moroccan Family Code; Tomasz Sikora: Queering the Heterosexist Fantasy of the Nation; Lenore Lyons: Sexing the Nation: Normative Heterosexuality and the "Good" Singaporean Citizen; Natalia Monakhova, Nataliya Nagorna: Lesbian Identity within Neonationalist Discourse: The Case of Ukraine; Margarita Zakovorotnaya: Search for the Other in the Period of "Chaotic Individualism". RE-MAPPING THE NATION: NATIONAL (HI)STORIES: MaryConde: The Imaginary Caribbean; Arthur Redding: Invisibilities: the Cultural Production of Counternational Identities in American Literature; Anna Branach-Kallas: Travelling in-between: the Nation and the Diaspora in Meera Syal's Anita and Me; Piotr Sadkowski: Questioning National Identities: the "Wars of Languages" in Les Tetes a Papineau by Jacques Godbout and Le Siege de Bruxelles by Jacques Neirynck; Annedith M. Schneider: A Community of Their Own? Citizens and "Sisters" in Algeria; Hanita Brand: Housing the Other: Israeli Counter-Narratives and Their Construction of the Notions of Home and House; Notes on Contributors
From introduction
The articles gathered in this volume focus on counter-narratives of the nation that question the dominant nationalist representations and explore the mechanisms of manufacturing national unity through the exclusion of alterity. The contributors attempt to answer several questions connected with the problematic concept of nation: How does the nation write its other(s)? How does the other re-write the nation? What cultural artefacts are instrumental in the processes of continual re-inscription? How is one's nationality lived? What symbolic practices does the formation of national identity entail? What is the role of the category of "nation" in the production of race, gender, bodies? What are the restrictions as well as the potential openings present in the notion of nation? The Nation of the Other gathers multiple perspectives and identifies various aspects of alterity in national discourses and their counter-narratives. The editors hope that the volume, showing different approaches to resistance, should help the readers re-imagine the nation as a community of Others: a site of heterogeneity, fluidity and transformation.
Anna Branach-Kallas
- Conflicting discourses, competing memories: Commemorating The First World War
- Uraz przetrwania. Trauma i polemika z mitem pierwszej wojny światowej w powieści kanadyjskiej
- Litteraria Copernicana 3(27)/2018: Pierwsza wojna i (nie)pokój
- Dialogues with Traditions in Canadian Literatures Dialogues
- In the Whirlpool of the Past: Memory, Intertextuality and History in the Fiction of Jane Urquhart
- Corporeal Itineraries: Body, Nation, Diaspora in Selected Canadian Fiction
- The nation of the other: constructions of nation in contemporary cultural and literary discourses
Katarzyna Więckowska
PhD, teaches cultural and literary studies at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland. She is the author of On Alterity: A Study of Monstrosity and Otherness (2008, Toruń), editor of The Gothic: Studies in History, Identity and Space (2012, Oxford), and co-editor of a number of volumes, including Corporeal Inscriptions: Representations of the Body in Cultural and Literary Texts and Practices (2005, Toruń), Litteraria Copernicana: Cyborg (2011, Toruń), and Ex-changes: Comparative Studies in British and American cultures (2012, Newcastle).
- Litteraria Copernicana 2(8)/2011: Cyborg. Technologia w literaturoznawstwie i studiach kulturowych
- Spectres of men. Masculinity, Crisis and British Literature
- Worlds in the making: constructivism and postmodern knowledge
- Corporeal inscriptions. Representations of the body in cultural and literary texts and practices
- The nation of the other: constructions of nation in contemporary cultural and literary discourses
- On Alterity. A study of monstrosity and difference
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