Profesor socjologii, od 40 lat pracownik naukowy w Instytucie Socjologii Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, w którym w latach 1995–2014 kierował Zakładem Socjologii Obszarów Rustykalnych. Współzałożyciel oraz redaktor naczelny (1993-2013) międzynarodowego periodyku „Eastern European Countryside”,afiliowanego na tzw. liście filadelfijskiej. Członek rad naukowych polskich, a także zagranicznych czasopism naukowych, inicjator i redaktor naukowy kilku serii wydawniczych, w tym: Rewitalizacja Obszarów Rustykalnych Europy(Ossolineum 1996–2001, 4 tomy) oraz Socjologia i Socjologowie(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK 1991–2013, 10 tomów), poświęconych prezentacji najnowszych zjawisk w światowej socjologii wsi. Autor kilkunastu książek oraz ponad 250 artykułów naukowych i popularnonaukowych opublikowanych w kraju i zagranicą, poświęconych głównie problemom obszarów wiejskich w kontekście nowego paradygmatu ich rozwoju, określanego mianem paradygmatu rewitalizacji lub odnowy wsi.
Eastern European Countryside 19/2013
Eastern European Countryside (EEC) is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year (2013). The first issue “0” appeared in 1993.
In the current issue of our periodical – as in the earlier 19 – it is our intention to analyse the process of change in the legislative, organisational, economic, social and cultural sphere of rural areas in Central and Eastern Europe. Researchers from various academic centres in Europe and beyond its borders write about these problems
[...] An important achievement of the past decade has been the systematic growth in readership of our periodical (the number of readers doubled in 2011). [...] However, the greatest achievement of the last decade was obtaining a significant position on the international academic publishers’ market. Since 2007 articles published in EEC have been indexed by: The Social Sciences Citation Index; Social Scisearch and the Journal of Citation Reports/Social Science Edition, which in fact means the periodical’s accreditation on the Philadelphia List. Since 2010 EEC also holds the so-called impact factor.
[...] The periodical’s current position is primarily due to the contribution of the international editorial team and academic council, their determination for the recognition of EEC, their conscientiousness as regards the high quality of content and linguistic standard of the published texts, their tenacity in securing financial resources.
(excerpts from Introduction by Andrzej Kaleta)
Articles and Studies
- Grzegorz
Articles and Studies
- Grzegorz Zabłocki - The State of Rural Sociology as Presented in Four Periodicals – Rural Sociology, Sociologia Ruralis, Journal of Rural Studies, Eastern European Countryside
Research Reports and Materials
- Krystyna Szafraniec - Looking for a S pecificity of Rural Youth. The Polish Case
- Kinga Kerekes, Bernadett Pakucs - Occupational Choices of Romanian Rural Youth
- Majda Černič Istenič, Duška Knežević Hočevar - Intergenerational Assistance on Family Farms in Slovenia: Expectations and Practices
- Milica Vujicic, Lela Ristic, Nata Ciric - Local Initiatives for Rural Vitality and Social Inclusion: Some Experiences from Serbia
- Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei, Iuliana Vijulie, Marian Marin, Octavian Cocos, Adrian Tiscovschi - Tradition and Modernity in the Romanian Rural Space. Case Study: the Arges Sub-Carpathian Foothills
- Annemarie Burandt, Friederike Lang, Regina Schrader - Working in Regional Agro-food Networks – Strengthening Rural Development through Cooperation
- Karel Janda, Gordon Rausser, Wadim Strielkowski - Determinants of Profitability of Polish Rural Micro-Enterprises at the Time of EU Accession
- Anna Szumelda - Is Small Beautiful? The Debate on the Future of Small Individual Farms in Poland
Reviews and information
- Elwira Piszczek - Life and Work in Rural Germany
- Magdalena Sternicka-Kowalska - Regional Aspects of Social and Economic Restructuring in Eastern Europe
- Monika Kwiecińska-Zdrenka - The Polish Countryside in Statistics
- Monika Kwiecińska-Zdrenka - Central and Eastern European Countryside from an international perspective (IRSA Congress in Lisbon, 2012)
Classics of Central European Rural Sociology
- Łukasz M.Dominiak - Anton Štefánek – the Precursor of Slovakian Rural Sociology
- Iwona Leśniewicz - Index. Our Authors and their Articles. Nos. 10/2004 – 19/2013 of Eastern European Countryside
Articles and Studies
- Grzegorz Zabłocki - The State of Rural Sociology as Presented in Four Periodicals – Rural Sociology, Sociologia Ruralis, Journal of Rural Studies, Eastern European Countryside
Research Reports and Materials
- Krystyna Szafraniec - Looking for a S pecificity of Rural Youth. The Polish Case
- Kinga Kerekes, Bernadett Pakucs - Occupational Choices of Romanian Rural Youth
- Majda Černič Istenič, Duška Knežević Hočevar - Intergenerational Assistance on Family Farms in Slovenia: Expectations and Practices
- Milica Vujicic, Lela Ristic, Nata Ciric - Local Initiatives for Rural Vitality and Social Inclusion: Some Experiences from Serbia
- Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei, Iuliana Vijulie, Marian Marin, Octavian Cocos, Adrian Tiscovschi - Tradition and Modernity in the Romanian Rural Space. Case Study: the Arges Sub-Carpathian Foothills
- Annemarie Burandt, Friederike Lang, Regina Schrader - Working in Regional Agro-food Networks – Strengthening Rural Development through Cooperation
- Karel Janda, Gordon Rausser, Wadim Strielkowski - Determinants of Profitability of Polish Rural Micro-Enterprises at the Time of EU Accession
- Anna Szumelda - Is Small Beautiful? The Debate on the Future of Small Individual Farms in Poland
Reviews and information
- Elwira Piszczek - Life and Work in Rural Germany
- Magdalena Sternicka-Kowalska - Regional Aspects of Social and Economic Restructuring in Eastern Europe
- Monika Kwiecińska-Zdrenka - The Polish Countryside in Statistics
- Monika Kwiecińska-Zdrenka - Central and Eastern European Countryside from an international perspective (IRSA Congress in Lisbon, 2012)
Classics of Central European Rural Sociology
- Łukasz M.Dominiak - Anton Štefánek – the Precursor of Slovakian Rural Sociology
- Iwona Leśniewicz - Index. Our Authors and their Articles. Nos. 10/2004 – 19/2013 of Eastern European Countryside
Articles and Studies
- Grzegorz Zabłocki - The State of Rural Sociology as Presented in Four Periodicals – Rural Sociology, Sociologia Ruralis, Journal of Rural Studies, Eastern European Countryside
Research Reports and Materials
- Krystyna Szafraniec - Looking for a S pecificity of Rural Youth. The Polish Case
- Kinga Kerekes, Bernadett Pakucs - Occupational Choices of Romanian Rural Youth
- Majda Černič Istenič, Duška Knežević Hočevar - Intergenerational Assistance on Family Farms in Slovenia: Expectations and Practices
- Milica Vujicic, Lela Ristic, Nata Ciric - Local Initiatives for Rural Vitality and Social Inclusion: Some Experiences from Serbia
- Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei, Iuliana Vijulie, Marian Marin, Octavian Cocos, Adrian Tiscovschi - Tradition and Modernity in the Romanian Rural Space. Case Study: the Arges Sub-Carpathian Foothills
- Annemarie Burandt, Friederike Lang, Regina Schrader - Working in Regional Agro-food Networks – Strengthening Rural Development through Cooperation
- Karel Janda, Gordon Rausser, Wadim Strielkowski - Determinants of Profitability of Polish Rural Micro-Enterprises at the Time of EU Accession
- Anna Szumelda - Is Small Beautiful? The Debate on the Future of Small Individual Farms in Poland
Reviews and information
- Elwira Piszczek - Life and Work in Rural Germany
- Magdalena Sternicka-Kowalska - Regional Aspects of Social and Economic Restructuring in Eastern Europe
- Monika Kwiecińska-Zdrenka - The Polish Countryside in Statistics
- Monika Kwiecińska-Zdrenka - Central and Eastern European Countryside from an international perspective (IRSA Congress in Lisbon, 2012)
Classics of Central European Rural Sociology
- Łukasz M.Dominiak - Anton Štefánek – the Precursor of Slovakian Rural Sociology
- Iwona Leśniewicz - Index. Our Authors and their Articles. Nos. 10/2004 – 19/2013 of Eastern European Countryside
Articles and Studies
- Grzegorz Zabłocki - The State of Rural Sociology as Presented in Four Periodicals – Rural Sociology, Sociologia Ruralis, Journal of Rural Studies, Eastern European Countryside
Research Reports and Materials
- Krystyna Szafraniec - Looking for a S pecificity of Rural Youth. The Polish Case
- Kinga Kerekes, Bernadett Pakucs - Occupational Choices of Romanian Rural Youth
- Majda Černič Istenič, Duška Knežević Hočevar - Intergenerational Assistance on Family Farms in Slovenia: Expectations and Practices
- Milica Vujicic, Lela Ristic, Nata Ciric - Local Initiatives for Rural Vitality and Social Inclusion: Some Experiences from Serbia
- Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei, Iuliana Vijulie, Marian Marin, Octavian Cocos, Adrian Tiscovschi - Tradition and Modernity in the Romanian Rural Space. Case Study: the Arges Sub-Carpathian Foothills
- Annemarie Burandt, Friederike Lang, Regina Schrader - Working in Regional Agro-food Networks – Strengthening Rural Development through Cooperation
- Karel Janda, Gordon Rausser, Wadim Strielkowski - Determinants of Profitability of Polish Rural Micro-Enterprises at the Time of EU Accession
- Anna Szumelda - Is Small Beautiful? The Debate on the Future of Small Individual Farms in Poland
Reviews and information
- Elwira Piszczek - Life and Work in Rural Germany
- Magdalena Sternicka-Kowalska - Regional Aspects of Social and Economic Restructuring in Eastern Europe
- Monika Kwiecińska-Zdrenka - The Polish Countryside in Statistics
- Monika Kwiecińska-Zdrenka - Central and Eastern European Countryside from an international perspective (IRSA Congress in Lisbon, 2012)
Classics of Central European Rural Sociology
- Łukasz M.Dominiak - Anton Štefánek – the Precursor of Slovakian Rural Sociology
- Iwona Leśniewicz - Index. Our Authors and their Articles. Nos. 10/2004 – 19/2013 of Eastern European Countryside
Articles and Studies
- Grzegorz Zabłocki - The State of Rural Sociology as Presented in Four Periodicals – Rural Sociology, Sociologia Ruralis, Journal of Rural Studies, Eastern European Countryside
Research Reports and Materials
- Krystyna Szafraniec - Looking for a S pecificity of Rural Youth. The Polish Case
- Kinga Kerekes, Bernadett Pakucs - Occupational Choices of Romanian Rural Youth
- Majda Černič Istenič, Duška Knežević Hočevar - Intergenerational Assistance on Family Farms in Slovenia: Expectations and Practices
- Milica Vujicic, Lela Ristic, Nata Ciric - Local Initiatives for Rural Vitality and Social Inclusion: Some Experiences from Serbia
- Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei, Iuliana Vijulie, Marian Marin, Octavian Cocos, Adrian Tiscovschi - Tradition and Modernity in the Romanian Rural Space. Case Study: the Arges Sub-Carpathian Foothills
- Annemarie Burandt, Friederike Lang, Regina Schrader - Working in Regional Agro-food Networks – Strengthening Rural Development through Cooperation
- Karel Janda, Gordon Rausser, Wadim Strielkowski - Determinants of Profitability of Polish Rural Micro-Enterprises at the Time of EU Accession
- Anna Szumelda - Is Small Beautiful? The Debate on the Future of Small Individual Farms in Poland
Reviews and information
- Elwira Piszczek - Life and Work in Rural Germany
- Magdalena Sternicka-Kowalska - Regional Aspects of Social and Economic Restructuring in Eastern Europe
- Monika Kwiecińska-Zdrenka - The Polish Countryside in Statistics
- Monika Kwiecińska-Zdrenka - Central and Eastern European Countryside from an international perspective (IRSA Congress in Lisbon, 2012)
Classics of Central European Rural Sociology
- Łukasz M.Dominiak - Anton Štefánek – the Precursor of Slovakian Rural Sociology
- Iwona Leśniewicz - Index. Our Authors and their Articles. Nos. 10/2004 – 19/2013 of Eastern European Countryside
Articles and Studies
- Grzegorz Zabłocki - The State of Rural Sociology as Presented in Four Periodicals – Rural Sociology, Sociologia Ruralis, Journal of Rural Studies, Eastern European Countryside
Research Reports and Materials
- Krystyna Szafraniec - Looking for a S pecificity of Rural Youth. The Polish Case
- Kinga Kerekes, Bernadett Pakucs - Occupational Choices of Romanian Rural Youth
- Majda Černič Istenič, Duška Knežević Hočevar - Intergenerational Assistance on Family Farms in Slovenia: Expectations and Practices
- Milica Vujicic, Lela Ristic, Nata Ciric - Local Initiatives for Rural Vitality and Social Inclusion: Some Experiences from Serbia
- Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei, Iuliana Vijulie, Marian Marin, Octavian Cocos, Adrian Tiscovschi - Tradition and Modernity in the Romanian Rural Space. Case Study: the Arges Sub-Carpathian Foothills
- Annemarie Burandt, Friederike Lang, Regina Schrader - Working in Regional Agro-food Networks – Strengthening Rural Development through Cooperation
- Karel Janda, Gordon Rausser, Wadim Strielkowski - Determinants of Profitability of Polish Rural Micro-Enterprises at the Time of EU Accession
- Anna Szumelda - Is Small Beautiful? The Debate on the Future of Small Individual Farms in Poland
Reviews and information
- Elwira Piszczek - Life and Work in Rural Germany
- Magdalena Sternicka-Kowalska - Regional Aspects of Social and Economic Restructuring in Eastern Europe
- Monika Kwiecińska-Zdrenka - The Polish Countryside in Statistics
- Monika Kwiecińska-Zdrenka - Central and Eastern European Countryside from an international perspective (IRSA Congress in Lisbon, 2012)
Classics of Central European Rural Sociology
- Łukasz M.Dominiak - Anton Štefánek – the Precursor of Slovakian Rural Sociology
- Iwona Leśniewicz - Index. Our Authors and their Articles. Nos. 10/2004 – 19/2013 of Eastern European Countryside
Research Reports and Materials
- Krystyna Szafraniec - Looking for a S pecificity of Rural Youth. The Polish Case
- Kinga Kerekes, Bernadett Pakucs - Occupational Choices of Romanian Rural Youth
- Majda Černič Istenič, Duška Knežević Hočevar - Intergenerational Assistance on Family Farms in Slovenia: Expectations and Practices
- Milica Vujicic, Lela Ristic, Nata Ciric - Local Initiatives for Rural Vitality and Social Inclusion: Some Experiences from Serbia
- Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei, Iuliana Vijulie, Marian Marin, Octavian Cocos, Adrian Tiscovschi - Tradition and Modernity in the Romanian Rural Space. Case Study: the Arges Sub-Carpathian Foothills
- Annemarie Burandt, Friederike Lang, Regina Schrader - Working in Regional Agro-food Networks – Strengthening Rural Development through Cooperation
- Karel Janda, Gordon Rausser, Wadim Strielkowski - Determinants of Profitability of Polish Rural Micro-Enterprises at the Time of EU Accession
- Anna Szumelda - Is Small Beautiful? The Debate on the Future of Small Individual Farms in Poland
Reviews and information
- Elwira Piszczek - Life and Work in Rural Germany
- Magdalena Sternicka-Kowalska - Regional Aspects of Social and Economic Restructuring in Eastern Europe
- Monika Kwiecińska-Zdrenka - The Polish Countryside in Statistics
- Monika Kwiecińska-Zdrenka - Central and Eastern European Countryside from an international perspective (IRSA Congress in Lisbon, 2012)
Classics of Central European Rural Sociology
- Łukasz M.Dominiak - Anton Štefánek – the Precursor of Slovakian Rural Sociology
- Iwona Leśniewicz - Index. Our Authors and their Articles. Nos. 10/2004 – 19/2013 of Eastern European Countryside
Andrzej Kaleta
- Nowa socjologia wsi w Niemczech
- Dywersyfikacja źródeł dochodów ludności wiejskiej
- Cztery dekady socjologii na Uniwersytecie Mikołaja Kopernika. Socjologia i socjologowie wsi krajów Europy Środkowej
- Eastern European Countryside 19/2013
- Eastern European Countryside 18/2012
- Eastern European Countryside 17/2011
- Społeczeństwo informacyjne na obszarach wiejskich
- Eastern European Countryside 16/2010
- Eastern European Countryside 20/2014
- Eastern European Countryside 21/2015
- Eastern European Countryside 22/2016
- Eastern European Countryside 23/2017
- Eastern European Countryside 24/2018
- Eastern European Countryside 25/2019
- Eastern European Countryside 26/2020
- Zbigniew Tadeusz Wierzbicki. Uczony i społecznik
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