adiunkt w Katedrze Logiki na Wydziale Humanistycznym UMK w Toruniu. Zainteresowania naukowe: logiki adaptujące sprzeczność, logiki parakonsystentne, algebra uniwersalna, sylogistyka relacyjna, logiki modalne, logika stoicka.
Nauki humanistyczne / Filozofia
Logic and Logical Philosophy 14/2/2005
Rok wydania:2005
Liczba stron:136
Format:158 x 228 mm
- Charles Sayward - A Wittgensteinian philosophy of mathematics
- Anna Sierszulska - Meinongian extensions of predicates
- Joseph E. Brenner - Process in Reality: A logical offering
- Jacek Malinowski - Logic of Simpson paradox
- Andrzej Pietruszczak - Pieces of mereology
- Janusz Ciuciura - On the da Costa, Dubikajtis and Kotas’ system of the discursive logic, D*2
- Krystyna Mruczek-Nasieniewska - P-compatible Abelian groups
Book Reviews
- Rodolfo Ertola Biraben - J. Michael Dunn and Gary M. Hardegree, "Algebraic Methods in Philosophical Logic", Oxford Logic Guides, no. 41
Book Reviews
- Logiki zdaniowe wyrażalne przez modalność
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 22/1/2013
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 22/2/2013: Special issue on mereology and point-free geometry. I
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 22/3/2013: Special issue on mereology and point-free geometry. II
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 21/1/2012
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 21/3/2012
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 20/1-2/2011: Logic in cognitive science
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 20/3/2011
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 20/4/2011
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 19/1-2/2010: Special Issue on Paraconsistent Logic
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 19/3/2010
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 18/1/2009
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 18/2/2009
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 18/3-4/2009
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 17/3/2008
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 17/4/2008
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 14/1/2005: Patterns of scientific reasoning
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 14/2/2005
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 16/1/2007
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 16/2-3/2007
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 15/1/2006
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 16/4/2007
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 15/2/2006
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 15/3/2006
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 15/4/2006
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 22/4/2013
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 23/1/2014
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 23/2/2014
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 23/3/2014
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 17/1-2/2008: To the memory of Alexander Vladimirovich Kuznetsov (1926-1984)
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 23/4/2014
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 24/1/2015
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 24/2/2015
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 24/3/2015
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 24/4/2015: Special Issue: Mereology and Beyond (I)
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 25/1/2016
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 25/2/2016
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 25/3/2016: Special Issue: Mereology and Beyond (II)
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 25/4/2016
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 26/1/2017
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 26/2/2017
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 26/3/2017: Special Issue on Question Processing
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 26/4/2017
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 27/1/2018
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 27/2/2018
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 27/3/2018
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 27/4/2018
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 28/1/2019
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 28/2/2019
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 28/3/2019
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 28/4/2019
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 29/1/2020
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 29/2/2020
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 29/3/2020
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 29/4/2020
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 30/1/2021
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 30/2/2021
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 30/3/2021
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 30/4/2021: Special Issue: Relating Logic and Relating Semantics. Part I
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 31/1/2022
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 31/2/2022: Special Issue: Logics and Their Interpretations. Part I
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 31/3/2022
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 31/4/2022: Logics and Their Interpretations. Part II
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 32/1/2023
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 32/2/2023
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 32/3/2023: Perspectives on Logical Form
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 32/4/2023: Perspectives on Logical Form
- Od teorii literatury do ontologii świata
- Podstawy teorii części
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 22/1/2013
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 22/2/2013: Special issue on mereology and point-free geometry. I
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 22/3/2013: Special issue on mereology and point-free geometry. II
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 21/1/2012
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 21/3/2012
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 20/1-2/2011: Logic in cognitive science
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 20/3/2011
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 20/4/2011
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 19/1-2/2010: Special Issue on Paraconsistent Logic
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 19/3/2010
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 18/1/2009
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 18/2/2009
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 18/3-4/2009
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 17/3/2008
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 17/4/2008
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 14/1/2005: Patterns of scientific reasoning
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 14/2/2005
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 16/1/2007
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 16/2-3/2007
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 15/1/2006
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 16/4/2007
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 15/2/2006
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 15/3/2006
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 15/4/2006
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 22/4/2013
- Logic ang Logical Philosophy. Vol. 2 (1994): Ontologic. Essays on Formal Ontology
- Logic ang Logical Philosophy 4/1996
- Logic ang Logical Philosophy 5/1997
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 23/1/2014
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 23/2/2014
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 23/3/2014
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 17/1-2/2008: To the memory of Alexander Vladimirovich Kuznetsov (1926-1984)
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 23/4/2014
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 24/1/2015
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 24/2/2015
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 24/3/2015
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 24/4/2015: Special Issue: Mereology and Beyond (I)
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 25/1/2016
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 25/2/2016
- Metamereology
- Metamereologia
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 2/1994: Ontologic. Essays on Formal Ontology
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 3/1995: "Varia" and "The First German-Polish Workshop on Logic - Logical Philosophy"
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 4/1996
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 5/1997
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 6/1998: Second German-Polish Workshop on Logic & Logical Philosophy
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 7/1999: Parainconsistency. Part I
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 25/3/2016: Special Issue: Mereology and Beyond (II)
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 25/4/2016
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 26/1/2017
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 26/2/2017
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 26/3/2017: Special Issue on Question Processing
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 26/4/2017
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 27/1/2018
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 13/2004
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 11-12/2003: "Proceedings of Logico-Philosophical Flemish-Polish Workshops II-IV" (11) and "Varia" (12)
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 10/2002: Third German-Polish Workshop on Logic & Logical Philosophy
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 9/2001: Parainconsistency. Part III
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 8/2000: Parainconsistency. Part II
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 1/1993
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 27/2/2018
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 27/3/2018
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 27/4/2018
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 28/1/2019
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 28/2/2019
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 28/3/2019
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 28/4/2019
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 29/1/2020
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 29/2/2020
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 29/3/2020
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 29/4/2020
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 30/1/2021
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 30/2/2021
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 30/3/2021
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 30/4/2021: Special Issue: Relating Logic and Relating Semantics. Part I
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 31/1/2022
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 31/2/2022: Special Issue: Logics and Their Interpretations. Part I
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 31/3/2022
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 31/4/2022: Logics and Their Interpretations. Part II
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 32/1/2023
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 32/2/2023
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 32/3/2023: Perspectives on Logical Form
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 32/4/2023: Perspectives on Logical Form
Marek Nasieniewski
Książki autora:
- Wprowadzenie do logik adaptywnych- Logiki zdaniowe wyrażalne przez modalność
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 22/1/2013
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 22/2/2013: Special issue on mereology and point-free geometry. I
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 22/3/2013: Special issue on mereology and point-free geometry. II
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 21/1/2012
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 21/3/2012
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 20/1-2/2011: Logic in cognitive science
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 20/3/2011
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 20/4/2011
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 19/1-2/2010: Special Issue on Paraconsistent Logic
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 19/3/2010
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 18/1/2009
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 18/2/2009
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 18/3-4/2009
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 17/3/2008
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 17/4/2008
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 14/1/2005: Patterns of scientific reasoning
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 14/2/2005
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 16/1/2007
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 16/2-3/2007
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 15/1/2006
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 16/4/2007
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 15/2/2006
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 15/3/2006
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 15/4/2006
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 22/4/2013
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 23/1/2014
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 23/2/2014
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 23/3/2014
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 17/1-2/2008: To the memory of Alexander Vladimirovich Kuznetsov (1926-1984)
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 23/4/2014
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 24/1/2015
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 24/2/2015
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 24/3/2015
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 24/4/2015: Special Issue: Mereology and Beyond (I)
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 25/1/2016
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 25/2/2016
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 25/3/2016: Special Issue: Mereology and Beyond (II)
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 25/4/2016
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 26/1/2017
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 26/2/2017
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 26/3/2017: Special Issue on Question Processing
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 26/4/2017
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 27/1/2018
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 27/2/2018
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 27/3/2018
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 27/4/2018
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 28/1/2019
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 28/2/2019
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 28/3/2019
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 28/4/2019
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 29/1/2020
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 29/2/2020
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 29/3/2020
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 29/4/2020
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 30/1/2021
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 30/2/2021
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 30/3/2021
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 30/4/2021: Special Issue: Relating Logic and Relating Semantics. Part I
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 31/1/2022
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 31/2/2022: Special Issue: Logics and Their Interpretations. Part I
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 31/3/2022
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 31/4/2022: Logics and Their Interpretations. Part II
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 32/1/2023
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 32/2/2023
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 32/3/2023: Perspectives on Logical Form
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 32/4/2023: Perspectives on Logical Form
Andrzej Pietruszczak
Andrzej Pietruszczak is a Full Professor of Logic at the Department of Logic, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland. He is the author of three books: „A Quantifier-free Calculus of Names, Systems and their Metatheory”, „Metamereology” and „Foundations of the Theory of Parthood” (all in Polish) and over 70 papers devoted to mereology, classical and non-classical logic and set theory published, amongst others, in „Bulletin of Symbolic Logic”, „Fundamenta Informaticae”, „Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic” and „Studia Logica”. He is a cofounder and an editor-in-chief of the quarterly Journal „Logic and Logical Philosophy” (Emerging Sources Citation Index – Clarivate Analytics, ERIH, Scopus).
Książki autora:
- Wokół filozofii logicznej- Od teorii literatury do ontologii świata
- Podstawy teorii części
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 22/1/2013
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 22/2/2013: Special issue on mereology and point-free geometry. I
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 22/3/2013: Special issue on mereology and point-free geometry. II
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 21/1/2012
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 21/3/2012
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 20/1-2/2011: Logic in cognitive science
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 20/3/2011
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 20/4/2011
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 19/1-2/2010: Special Issue on Paraconsistent Logic
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 19/3/2010
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 18/1/2009
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 18/2/2009
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 18/3-4/2009
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 17/3/2008
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 17/4/2008
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 14/1/2005: Patterns of scientific reasoning
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 14/2/2005
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 16/1/2007
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 16/2-3/2007
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 15/1/2006
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 16/4/2007
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 15/2/2006
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 15/3/2006
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 15/4/2006
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 22/4/2013
- Logic ang Logical Philosophy. Vol. 2 (1994): Ontologic. Essays on Formal Ontology
- Logic ang Logical Philosophy 4/1996
- Logic ang Logical Philosophy 5/1997
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 23/1/2014
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 23/2/2014
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 23/3/2014
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 17/1-2/2008: To the memory of Alexander Vladimirovich Kuznetsov (1926-1984)
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 23/4/2014
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 24/1/2015
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 24/2/2015
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 24/3/2015
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 24/4/2015: Special Issue: Mereology and Beyond (I)
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 25/1/2016
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 25/2/2016
- Metamereology
- Metamereologia
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 2/1994: Ontologic. Essays on Formal Ontology
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 3/1995: "Varia" and "The First German-Polish Workshop on Logic - Logical Philosophy"
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 4/1996
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 5/1997
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 6/1998: Second German-Polish Workshop on Logic & Logical Philosophy
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 7/1999: Parainconsistency. Part I
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 25/3/2016: Special Issue: Mereology and Beyond (II)
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 25/4/2016
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 26/1/2017
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 26/2/2017
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 26/3/2017: Special Issue on Question Processing
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 26/4/2017
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 27/1/2018
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 13/2004
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 11-12/2003: "Proceedings of Logico-Philosophical Flemish-Polish Workshops II-IV" (11) and "Varia" (12)
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 10/2002: Third German-Polish Workshop on Logic & Logical Philosophy
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 9/2001: Parainconsistency. Part III
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 8/2000: Parainconsistency. Part II
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 1/1993
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 27/2/2018
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 27/3/2018
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 27/4/2018
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 28/1/2019
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 28/2/2019
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 28/3/2019
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 28/4/2019
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 29/1/2020
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 29/2/2020
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 29/3/2020
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 29/4/2020
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 30/1/2021
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 30/2/2021
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 30/3/2021
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 30/4/2021: Special Issue: Relating Logic and Relating Semantics. Part I
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 31/1/2022
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 31/2/2022: Special Issue: Logics and Their Interpretations. Part I
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 31/3/2022
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 31/4/2022: Logics and Their Interpretations. Part II
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 32/1/2023
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 32/2/2023
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 32/3/2023: Perspectives on Logical Form
- Logic and Logical Philosophy 32/4/2023: Perspectives on Logical Form
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