Kierownik Katedry Praw Człowieka na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Autorka i współautorka ponad 200 publikacji naukowych, w tym monografii i artykułów naukowych dedykowanych procedurze karnej, kryminologii, wiktymologii, prawu penitencjarnemu oraz ochronie praw człowieka (wymiar krajowy i międzynarodowy).
Nauki społeczne / Prawo i administracja
Immigrants in Detention – International and Polish Perspective
Rok wydania:2024
Nr wydania:Wydanie pierwsze
Liczba stron:228
Format:228 x 158
The book Immigrants in Detention - International and Polish Perspective (the second volume of a three-volume series dedicated to detention) focuses on European standards (the Council of Europe and the EU) regulating detention ordered in procedures considering the return of illegally residing immigrants and providing international protection. These laws are confronted with the UN documents, mainly the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Theoretical speculations are illustrated with Polish, Hungarian, Belgian, and (to a limited extent) American practices and decisions issued by UN treaty bodies, as well as tribunals in Strasbourg and Luxembourg.
List of Abbreviations / 9
Introduction / 13
Chapter 1. Deprivation of liberty in the context of immigration / 27
1.1. General remarks / 27
1.2. Deprivation of liberty – its nature and aims / 30
1.3. Classification of detained immigrants – consequences / 34
1.4. Basic paradox of immigrants’ detention / 37
1.5. Problem of alternative measures for detention of immigrants / 40
1.6. Detention of immigrants in the 21st century / 42
Chapter 2. Contemporary standards and policy on detention of immigrants – normative aspect / 45
2.1. Treaty standards / 45
2.1.1. General treaties / 45
2.1.2. Special treaty regulations / 52
2.1.3. Legally binding EU instruments / 56
2.2. Recommended standards / 71
2.2.1. Universal level / 71
2.2.2. Regional level / 76
2.3. Domestic impact of international standards – Polish example / 84
Chapter 3. Detention center’s population – specific personal problems and interactions / 89
3.1. The detainees / 89
3.1.1. Brief introductory remarks / 89
3.1.2. Vulnerable persons / 94
3.1.3. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mental disorders / 97
3.1.4. Children / 100
3.1.5. Women and girls / 108
3.1.6. Families / 111
3.1.7. Persons seeking international protection / 113
3.2. The staff of detention centers / 117
3.3. Interpersonal confrontations and their consequences / 123
3.4. Illustrations of selected extreme situations / 125
Chapter 4. Life in detention and human dignity – situations of special risk / 133
4.1. Brief introductory remarks / 133
4.2. Problem of discrimination / 135
4.3. Detention order and coercion measures / 140
4.3.1. Conditions / 140
4.3.2. Contacts with the outside world – possibilities / 146
4.3.3. Leisure time / 149
4.3.4. Freedom to practice religion / 154
4.3.5. Families with children / 159
4.3.6. Unaccompanied children / 161
4.4. Health care “in” and “out” of detention / 162
4.5. Disciplinary procedures and sanctions / 167
4.6. Return flights / 172
Chapter 5. Detention of immigrants and new arrivals – between the idea and the reality / 179
5.1. States as masters of the treaties / 179
5.2. Alternative measures for detention treated as a last resort option / 181
5.3. A human dimension of a return decision / 185
5.4. Policy implications / 189
Final remarks / 199
Appendices / 205
Appendix 1 – Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Resolution 1707 (2010) on Detention of asylum seekers and irregular migrants in Europe / 207
Appendix 2 – Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,Recommendation 1900 (2010) on Detention of asylum seekers and irregular migrants in Europe / 214
Appendix 3 – Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Resolution 2122 (2016) on Administrative detention / 217
Bibliography (Basic Literature) / 221
Introduction / 13
Chapter 1. Deprivation of liberty in the context of immigration / 27
1.1. General remarks / 27
1.2. Deprivation of liberty – its nature and aims / 30
1.3. Classification of detained immigrants – consequences / 34
1.4. Basic paradox of immigrants’ detention / 37
1.5. Problem of alternative measures for detention of immigrants / 40
1.6. Detention of immigrants in the 21st century / 42
Chapter 2. Contemporary standards and policy on detention of immigrants – normative aspect / 45
2.1. Treaty standards / 45
2.1.1. General treaties / 45
2.1.2. Special treaty regulations / 52
2.1.3. Legally binding EU instruments / 56
2.2. Recommended standards / 71
2.2.1. Universal level / 71
2.2.2. Regional level / 76
2.3. Domestic impact of international standards – Polish example / 84
Chapter 3. Detention center’s population – specific personal problems and interactions / 89
3.1. The detainees / 89
3.1.1. Brief introductory remarks / 89
3.1.2. Vulnerable persons / 94
3.1.3. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mental disorders / 97
3.1.4. Children / 100
3.1.5. Women and girls / 108
3.1.6. Families / 111
3.1.7. Persons seeking international protection / 113
3.2. The staff of detention centers / 117
3.3. Interpersonal confrontations and their consequences / 123
3.4. Illustrations of selected extreme situations / 125
Chapter 4. Life in detention and human dignity – situations of special risk / 133
4.1. Brief introductory remarks / 133
4.2. Problem of discrimination / 135
4.3. Detention order and coercion measures / 140
4.3.1. Conditions / 140
4.3.2. Contacts with the outside world – possibilities / 146
4.3.3. Leisure time / 149
4.3.4. Freedom to practice religion / 154
4.3.5. Families with children / 159
4.3.6. Unaccompanied children / 161
4.4. Health care “in” and “out” of detention / 162
4.5. Disciplinary procedures and sanctions / 167
4.6. Return flights / 172
Chapter 5. Detention of immigrants and new arrivals – between the idea and the reality / 179
5.1. States as masters of the treaties / 179
5.2. Alternative measures for detention treated as a last resort option / 181
5.3. A human dimension of a return decision / 185
5.4. Policy implications / 189
Final remarks / 199
Appendices / 205
Appendix 1 – Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Resolution 1707 (2010) on Detention of asylum seekers and irregular migrants in Europe / 207
Appendix 2 – Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,Recommendation 1900 (2010) on Detention of asylum seekers and irregular migrants in Europe / 214
Appendix 3 – Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Resolution 2122 (2016) on Administrative detention / 217
Bibliography (Basic Literature) / 221
- 25-lecie wejścia w życie Europejskiej Konwencji Praw Człowieka w Polsce
- Treatment of Prisoners – International and Polish Perspective
- 25-lecie wejścia w życie Europejskiej Konwencji Praw Człowieka w Polsce
- Treatment of Prisoners – International and Polish Perspective
- Wspólny Europejski System Azylowy – historia, stan obecny i perspektywy rozwoju
Bożena Gronowska
Książki autora:
- Immigrants in Detention – International and Polish Perspective- 25-lecie wejścia w życie Europejskiej Konwencji Praw Człowieka w Polsce
- Treatment of Prisoners – International and Polish Perspective
Piotr Sadowski
Adiunkt w Katedrze Praw Człowieka na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Autor publikacji poświęconych problematyce respektowania praw człowieka w kontekście imigracji i udzielania cudzoziemcom ochrony międzynarodowej oraz poszanowania prawa prywatnego i rodzinnego. Koordynator i uczestnik projektów międzynarodowych dotyczących migracji i azylu.
Książki autora:
- Immigrants in Detention – International and Polish Perspective- 25-lecie wejścia w życie Europejskiej Konwencji Praw Człowieka w Polsce
- Treatment of Prisoners – International and Polish Perspective
- Wspólny Europejski System Azylowy – historia, stan obecny i perspektywy rozwoju
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