New technologies in education and comunication
“The collective work New Technologies in Education and Communication, under scientific supervision of Dorota Siemieniecka, features both its theoretical and practical dimensions, makes use of accurate references to European and global literature as well as employs authors who manage to competently analyse, describe and explain problems that are both complex by nature and often new to pedagogical sciences. The work of a supervisor of a collective publication, which involves assemblage and unification of divagations voiced by world-renowned scientists, resembles a tedious act of stringing precious beads onto a single piece of thread. Their natural beauty and glitter and their intellectual light make not only a cognitively valuable, but also an attractive and inspirational read”.
dr hab. Maciej Tanaś, prof. APŚ
Dorota Siemieniecka is a professor at the Institute of Classroom Pedagogy at the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń. She is also a board member of Polish Cognitivist Society and Polish Pedagogical Association. Her scientific interest, research and didactic activity focus on the issues of creativity in pedagogy, creative teaching, on applications of modern media in the process of education, as well as on cognitivist aspects of media in education. The author participated in international research as part of the project Polish-American Inquiry into the Priorities of Educational Technology in the Next Five Years.The results of the research have been published in The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society (2008). She successfully acquired FSS funds (EEA Grants and Norway Grants) for implementing the international project The Role of Language in Human Life. The result of the project was a book Język nowej komunikacji (The Language of New Media), which has been translated into Norwegian (Språk i medier, 2010). Education and New Technologies in Culture, Information and Communication (2016) is the latest book published underher supervision.
Introduction / 7
Wstęp / 13
Pedagogical aspects of New Technologies – theory vs. practice
Bronisław Siemieniecki
New media in education – a cognitivist’s perspective / 21
Harald Nilsen
IT in basic education in Norwegian schools: survey and evaluation 2003–2013 / 37
Dorota Siemieniecka
The Indian experiment Hole in the Wall – on alternative educational paths with computer / 59
Melissa Caspary, Diane Boothe
Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education: strategic priorities for culture, information and communication / 75
Kerry Rice, Jui-Long Hung
Incorporating data mining in online professional development program evaluation / 99
Kamila Majewska
Electronic class register in the process of teaching and upbringing / 127
Małgorzata Skibińska
Information skills of pedagogy students on example of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń / 139
Action and Interaction – chosen aspects of man – computer communication
Piero Crispiani
The frontier of neuropedagogy. Themes and critical issues / 159
Eleonora Palmieri
Cognitive processes development and contemporary neuroscience / 169
Giuseppe Augusto Chiarenza
Action and interaction: the lesson of brain waves / 177
Piotr Petrykowski
The process of developing skills as a process of education / 189
Erik Bratland
The rules of the game: what role do specialized codes in the subjects play for the use of ICT in education? / 201
Agnieszka B. Jarvoll
Computer games and learning / 217
Wioletta Kwiatkowska
Nature of communication in online learning groups / 227
New perspectives of communication in therapy – theory and practice
Angela Fawcett
Procedural learning deficits and dyslexia. Theory into practice / 245
Sara Pellegrini
Technology-enhanced learning for specific learning disorders / 255
Dorota Siemieniecka
- New technologies in education and comunication
- Crossing Borders: An Exploration of Educational Technology in the U.S. and Poland
- Cognitive Science – New Media – Education 1/2016
- Cognitive Science – New Media – Education 1/2/2017
- Cognitive Science – New Media – Education 2/3/2017
- Cognitive Science – New Media – Education 2/5/2018
- Cognitive Science – New Media – Education 1/4/2018
- Cyberagresja – zjawisko, skutki, zapobieganie
- Teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty pedagogiki medialnej
- Dydaktyka i pedagogika kognitywistyczna. Zasady ogólne i implementacje w fizyce

Edukacja a nowe technologie w kulturze, informacji i komunikacji. Education and new technologies in culture, information and communication
Dorota Siemieniecka
Współczesne oblicza komunikacji i informacji. Problemy, badania, hipotezy
Ewa Głowacka, Małgorzata Kowalska-Chrzanowska, Przemysław Krysiński
Technonauka w społeczeństwie ryzyka. Filozofia wobec niepożądanych następstw praktycznego sukcesu nauki
Ewa Bińczyk
Technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne w funkcjonowaniu uczelni wyższych. Wybrane konteksty
Beata StachowiakInne z tej kategorii

Dydaktyka kognitywistyczna
Piero Crispiani, Bronisław Siemieniecki, Grzegorz Karwasz
Język polski w systemie edukacji Montessori na etapie wczesnoszkolnym
Maciej Futyma
Implementacja wybranych założeń teorii uczenia się muzyki Edwina E. Gordona do praktyki kształcenia słuchu uczniów szkoły muzycznej pierwszego stopnia
Maciej Kołodziejski