Kategoria: Nauki humanistyczne / Historia / Historia starożytna

Society and religions. Studies in Greek and Roman history, vol. 4: The Roman Empire in the Light of Epigraphical and Normative Sources

Rok wydania:2013 Nr wydania:pierwsze Liczba stron:176 ISBN:978-83-231-2869-4

The monograph is published as a part of Society and Religions. Studies in Greek and Roman History series (the previous volumes were edited by Danuta Musiał in 2005, 2007 and 2010). The book is the result of cooperation by historians from two universities: Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The authors decided to publish the volume as a monograph, as all the studies, despite their different subjects, refer to inscriptions and normative sources. We hope that the book presented to readers will constitute a valuable review of study opportunities these types of sources offer to historians of almost all specialties while studying the Roman-Greek Empire. 

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