Kategoria: Nauki społeczne / Ekonomia i zarządzanie

Journal of Positive Management, Vol. 2, 1/2011

autorzy: redaktorzy: Rafał Haffer
Rok wydania:2011 Liczba stron:108

Broad profile of the periodical allows you to reflect on different management issues, such as organizational behavior, leadership and power in an organization, corporate social responsibility, human resources management, quality management and business/organizational excellence, performance measurement and self-assessment. We also publish articles in such fields like strategic management, management system standards and knowledge management.

Editorial This is our great satisfaction and pleasure to provide you with a second issue of Journal of Positive Management. Its creation has been inspired by a new approach emerging from an analysis conducted in relation to organizations and management. This new approach should be regarded as a complement and supplement to the previous perspective dominating in management studies. These previous, ‘traditional', approaches have been focused on the troubles and problems that ought to be overcome in an organization. The aim of the research realized within such a paradigm was to find appropriate solutions to the problems such as luck of employees' motivation, resistance to change, conflicts, decreases of competitiveness, loss of customers etc. The new, positive paradigm concentrates on traits and phenomena in organizations that release positive energy, creativity and welfare of their members and thus stimulate organizational development and growth. However, the problems analyzed here are still the same, but they are considered from a different perspective - perspective of taking advantages of organizational strengths and opportunities. As the domain of the research area specified in this manner is wide and covers all the aspects of modern management, we would like to build with this journal a new platform integrating all academics, researchers and practitioners around ‘positive' problems of organizations. Thus, all contributors are welcome to share with us, and our readers their surveys' results, opinions and thoughts regarding positive paradigm of organization. Particularly, articles published in the Journal of Positive Management are and will be related to such aspects of management, as organizational behavior, leadership, strategic management, corporate social responsibility, human resources management, quality management, business and organizational excellence, performance measurement and selfassessment, management systems standards, knowledge management. The second issue of Journal of Positive Management presents articles representing different areas of management studies. The first article by Jacob Eskildsen and Kai Kristensen is a research paper which suggests a framework for measuring membership satisfaction based on a literature study. The second article by Marcin Geryk is a conceptual paper which describes education institutions undertaking social responsibility activities as the case for discussion on Positive Organizational Scholarship. The third article by Katarzyna Grzesik is again a research paper which presents the issues connected with developing leadership skills in a company.  The next three papers are conceptual ones. A paper written by Rafał Krupski shows that organization's potential can be differently described as only by results. The proposals of this article concern using both the category of balance or unbalance and the concept of the chaos edge for describing organization's potential. The objective of a paper prepared by three authors David Naranjo-Gil, Laura Gómez-Ruiz and María Jesús Sánchez-Expósito is to explore how the application of neuroscience to management research can facilitate a better understanding of some issues concerning to people behaviour in organizations. An article by Pieter J.M. van Nispen tot Pannerden indicates how companies may prepare for and deal with cultural differences. The aim of a paper by Aleksander Rezmer is to prove that companies cooperate not only because they wish to, but also because they are forced to do it. Presented findings in this research paper base on case studies of large companies. The last two articles deals with small and medium enterprises. The aim of a paper by Agnieszka Sokołowska is to present social responsibility activities in selected areas of social responsibility in a small enterprise. A paper prepared by Przemysław Zbierowski presents an attempt to empirically answer the question about the source of success for small and medium enterprises (SME) made on the basis of two recently developed theoretical concepts namely High Performance Organization (HPO) and Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS).

Rafał Haffer
Aldona Glińska-Neweś

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